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Watershed Restoration

Shasta Safe Harbor Agreement Project,
Big Springs Salmon Restoration Project

Safe Harbor Agreements (SHA) are a way to encourage landowners to adopt specific conservation practices that contributetor the recovery of Salmon and Steelhead species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

This Safe Harbor Agreement aims to enhance conditions for coho salmon across more than 30,000 acres (approximately 37 river miles) within the Shasta River watershed. This collaborative effort contributes to the betterment of fish habitat and demonstrates responsible stewardship of Earth’s natural resources.

Some specific conservation methods that might be included in a SHA are: 


  • Removing fish passage barriers to habitat (e.g. undersized culverts, water diversion structures, small dams)

  • Managing diversion waters into or out of a natural waterway

  • Planting riparian vegetation

  • Maintaining a vegetated buffer along streams

  • Adding wood to streams

  • Enhancing streamflow

  • Improving access​

Monitoring Water Temperature

Eyasco partnered with landowners and ranch managers to deploy numerous monitoring stations along the Big Springs Creek in Siskiyou County, California. Our monitoring stations provide water managers remote access to water temperatures along the creek, in diversion canals and return flow facilities to view in real-time. This critical information is used to ensure that temperature differences fall within acceptable limits when releasing water back into the creek, minimizing the temperature impacts resulting from irrigation return flow.

Monitoring station locations

Daily temperature variations

Annual temperature for 3 year term

​​More details on our blog

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