Proven Software Solutions for Monitoring and Control

Since 2003 Eyasco has developed a range of software products to improve data visualization, reporting and primarily to improve awareness of natural and man-made processes. Our web-based display software offers map-based displays, time series graphs, QA/QC tools, dashboards and custom reports to provide perspective and insight about what's being monitored.

Public Web Displays
Small footprint, low bandwidth, non-database driven web page displays
Workstation and Enterprise Level Systems
Password protected, database driven with customized tools and reporting
Water Quality Lab Data Reporting - LADR
Web based tool for organizing and visualizing lab report data
Human Machine Interface - HMI
Interactive web forms for low power control in remote locations
Eyasco's Software Platforms

The Merlin Software Suite utilizes a proprietary data collection scheme paired with an efficient and road-tested database to collect, manage and display data from file sources, OPC Servers and online data sources such as CDEC.
The Merlin Suite includes:
Merlin Enterprise | Workstation Multi-site and | Merlin.Mobile
Grabdata is an online fee-based service utilizing Merlin.Web running on a publicly facing server to allow subscribers to view, report and export real-time data collected from remote monitoring systems. Access to Grabdata's many charting options, content and tools for analyzing monitoring data is easily available to those with proper credentials using a web browser from any device.
SiteHawk's real-time visualization, coupled with Eyasco's advanced QuB water monitoring systems and Merlin software for data collection and analysis, provides the flexibility, power and reliability to better manage your monitoring system.