Easily Visualize and Access Data Online

Using SiteHawk, you will quickly get the big picture overview,
captured from remote networked QuB monitoring stations, with Merlins powerful analytics, to better understand the situation
in the field and take necessary action.
SiteHawks online access provides the flexibility you need. Using a web browser from any location, SiteHawk first displays a map of sensor types operating at all monitoring stations so they are easily identifiable. A simple mouse roll-over drills down into your monitoring station to display graphs charted from the most recent sensor data collected, so you can instantly see the status of your monitoring stations, identify trends or problems occurring at any location, and take immediate steps to mitigate potentially harmful situations or manage for longer term planning.
Site Hawk Features

Powerful and fast graphing and reporting.
Data organized by Project/Station/Sensor.
Wide range of tools for visualizing and reporting large data sets.
Displays manual readings and data annotations on charts.
Credential Manager for assigning access to specific datasets and tools.
Home page and menus are customizable for specific users.
Easily create html Infopages for fast sharing of data and charts.
Create your own datasets for analysis and reporting.
Works with data collected from almost any data source.
Site Hawk Display Tools

Geographic Mapping: Real-time mapping and overview of measurements and alarms.

GeoTDR: Plot Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) waveforms to map cable deformations.

QA/QC: Rate and qualify data (good, poor, bad) for

Data Library: Build and visualize workspaces containing data series from any monitoring system.

Infopages: Combine web pages with jpg images from Merlin.

Rating Curve Tool: Apply rating curves to stage measurements over specific date ranges.

PhotoViewer: Collect and view field camera photos like a flip book.

Admin Tools: Add or remove users, assign roles, change page appearance

Reporting Tool: On-demand or scheduled reports for you or your clients.