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Merlin Software Suite

Designed for Speed and Efficiency, our proprietary software suite offers powerful options for data management and viewing

Merlin Enterprise

Merlin Enterprise simplifies automated monitoring on a global scale. It efficiently manages data from distributed systems and provides tools for data sharing and analysis. With features like real-time alarms, charting, and map-based displays, it streamlines data management. Whether it’s data collection, presentation, or transfer to enterprise databases, Merlin Enterprise has you covered!

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  • Flexible data collection from dataloggers or spreadsheets 

  • Inventory all measurements and sensors

  • Unique drill-down into details for each measurement

  • Create backup copies of raw data

  • Apply QA/QC filters automatically or manually

  • Apply scale factors over specific date ranges

  • Alarm any data stream with minimum and maximum thresholds

  • Create and export jpg graphics and ‘csv’ files

  • Synchronize multiple databases over the Internet

  • Log all transactions

Monitor Multiple Sites and Stations

Add additional monitoring sites with any combination of sensors in minutes. Once the monitoring equipment is installed, the data flows into Merlin Enterprise and the new elements are added to the existing database automatically. A user only needs to define the engineering units (if different from defaults) and add custom names if desired. Data will flow seamlessly from the controller to the database and display. This streamlined approach is based on a rock-solid and rigorous data management solution that is infinitely scalable.


Projects, Stations and Sensors

Add additional monitoring sites with any combination of sensors in minutes. Once the monitoring equipment is installed, the data flows into Merlin Enterprise and the new elements are added to the existing database automatically. A user only needs to define the engineering units (if different from defaults) and add custom names if desired. Data will flow seamlessly from the controller to the database and display. This streamlined approach is based on a rock-solid and rigorous data management solution that is infinitely scalable.

Reliable Data Management

Flexible data collection, combined with powerful graphing to automatically generate plots for Internet display, delivering a comprehensive solution for managing and sharing resource information from an unlimited number of data acquisition systems.​​

Get Merlin Data on Your Mobile Device

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Merlin Mobile is a web application for mobile devices that works seamlessly with Eyasco’s data collection and management system. Using a mobile phone or tablet you can view data, acknowledge alarms, add annotations or even enter measurements.


While working in the field or away from the office, Merlin Mobile gives you the versatility and flexibility to stay informed and interact with your data and your colleagues.

A powerful mobile web tool that allows you to access and update data from your mobile device
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