
Dam Safety
Eyasco's dam safety projects provide critical data for California lakes and reservoirs.

Dam Integrity

Spillway events

Camera surveillance
Eyasco Inc. has been partnering with the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) and their Dam Safety Program since 2015. This project started with upgrading their aging dam monitoring systems to Eyasco’s QuB stations, which deliver actionable data and reporting notifications during rainstorms and seismic events.
Each monitoring station is designed to read vibrating wire piezometers (VWP) and/or In-place Inclinometers (IPI) and communicate via radio powered by a 30-watt unbreakable solar panel. Error trapping and retries are built into the programming scheme for maximum communications reliability.
​Eyasco’s deployment design uses a point-to-multipoint configuration with certain radios serving as primary-host and the others as secondary- repeaters. These radios establish links between stations that might otherwise be unable to communicate due to extended distances or obstacles.
​At each dam site, periodic measurements from VWP and IPI stations are collected and sent to a web page displaying real-time information and alarm indicators accessible via the satellite link. Seismic triggers prompt higher sampling rates during earthquake events. The data is forwarded to SCVWD headquarters via a satellite modem. Eyasco’s Merlin software manages this data. A suite of reports, including both user-initiated and scheduled evaluations, ensures compliance with California State DSOD reporting requirements.

Camera Surveillance
This installation utilizes multiple cameras, capturing live video or snapshot images of the dam face, spillway, and other relevant areas. Our programming captures daily snapshots on a set schedule, storing them in a repository for historical reference.
Only specified employees of SCVWD can access the camera livestream securely through a webpage and have the option to view camera presets or manually control the pan tilt and zoom of the camera.
This ongoing project involves expanding monitoring and surveillance capabilities at SCVWD dam sites. Notably, the sites include Almaden, Lenihan, Coyote, Uvas, Guadalupe, Anderson, Chesbro, and Calero.